About Us

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William Stillwell and Antonio Santos created PCP Academy after more than 40 years of practice in psychotherapy. Co-directors of the Center for Studies of the Person, they decided to share their experiences and inspire other professionals who chose the Person Centered Approach as their way of doing psychotherapy.


Antonio Santos, Ph.D, MSCP, is a Clinical Psychologist, licensed in Brazil (CRP-01/0702) and in the USA (CA-PSY-19983).He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and Organizational Development, from International College in Los Angeles, California, and a post-doctorate in Psychopharmacology from Alliant International University, San Francisco, California.

Antonio worked directly as a mentee and colleague of Carl Rogers in the 70s and 80s. He is currently the co-director of Rogers’ co-founded organization, the Center for Studies of the Person, in La Jolla, California, and is a member or the American Psychological Association (APA), in the USA.

Antonio is a writer, psychotherapist, organizational consultant, coach, professor, trainer and lecturer. He has worked for the last thirty years with a cross-cultural population from different parts of the world (South and North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa). He is the author of the book Miracle Moments, and co-authored, with Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. Maria Constanca Bowen, the book When the Heart Speaks. He also collaborated in writing the Clinical Handbook of Schizophrenia, as well as in translating the book A Course in Miracles, into Portuguese.


For over fifty years, Will Stillwell, Ph.D., has maintained a consulting practice with people in various organizations: as a coach to individuals, a facilitator for groups, and as a mediator in conflict situations. He is a partner in the Center for Study of the Person (CSP)’s Enterprise for Creative Leadership.

For thirty-five years Will has been a staff member of CSP’s The La Jolla Program.  In this capacity he facilitates encounter groups of few and many members, in the format originally pioneered by Carl Rogers. Presently a co-director, he has also taken this work to a number of foreign lands. Will also co-directs CSP’s Person-Centered Psychotherapy Course. Particularly relevant to this work is his essay and video “The Psychotherapy of Carl Rogers: How it Seems to Me.” Will is the director of the Carl R. Rogers Memorial Library at CSP as well.  

After a career as an experiential education faculty member in Behavior Sciences at several universities, Will currently is an adjunct professor with San Diego University for Integrative Studies, where he works with students on their psychotherapy skills and advanced research degrees. Among his 30 publications are 7 books and 5 video presentations. Several articles addressing his living-world — work in organizations, psychotherapy and encounter, and cross-cultural understanding — are available on-line at the Center for Studies of the Person website (Library).



Carolyn is a Director at Chicago Counseling Associates. She first encountered client-centered therapy as a practicum student at the Chicago Counseling and Psychotherapy Center, where she later interned, joined the staff and provided administrative and supervisory services. Carolyn currently runs a small practice and client-centered training center, where she aspires to provide a level of service that honors the exceptional education and support she received from her mentors, particularly Barbara Brodley, Susan Pildes, Marge Witty, Garry Prouty, Nat Raskin, and Barbara Roy. She is gratified to work with such dedicated and purposeful learners at CCA.


Psychotherapist and organizational and management consultant Dominic has more than thirty-five years of consulting, training, coaching, and team-building experience. Dominic was a co-founder with Carl R. Rogers and other colleagues of The Center for Studies of the Person in LaJolla, California, in 1968. His Master’s degree is in Clinical Psychology, and he practiced as a licensed therapist in a partnership practice for Feeling Therapy and Psychological Fitness. Dominic completed his Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology and wrote a dissertation on the subject of Individual and Organizational Integrity.

Professional memberships include the Organizational Development Network, American Society for Training and Development, American Psychological Association, and a founding member of the Professional Coaches and Mentors Association.


Carey has worked in education since 2004 in various positions, including teaching, administration, and research. In 2017 he began a second master’s degree in counseling which introduced him to the Person-Centered Approach. Carey is a transgender psychotherapist working as a human services instructor and a mental health counselor at a tribal college in rural Montana. He realized he was transgender but feared coming out and transitioning, and the Rogerian approach inspired him to fight to be himself. Carey works with American Indian clients and rural and LGBTQIA clients. He completed the first module of the PCP Academy Program and got training in focusing, somatic experiencing, and expressive arts therapies.


In a past life, Bob Lee was a teacher, counselor, and administrator in the San Diego Unified school district. He became acquainted with Carl Rogers and Client-Centered Therapy and encounter groups, in 1963. This took place in a Counseling Institute held at San Diego State University in San Diego, California, USA. He thought that what he experienced was unworkable but, nevertheless, was in the beginning of the La Jolla Program in 1967 experientially learning to become an encounter group facilitator. He is one of two remaining charter members of Rogers’ organization, the Center for Studies of the Person, in La Jolla, California.


Pat Howley has been a person-centered facilitator, counselor and educator for more than 50 years. In 1968 he read Rogers’ “On Becoming a Person” while pursuing his graduate degree and advanced degree in counseling psychology, and since then the person-centered approach has been his base. He began his work counseling young children and soon initiated group encounters for young adolescents. In 1978, he attended “The La Jolla Program” which at that time was a two and a half week training in the person-centered approach. He then began his own “studies of the person”, that person being himself. He explored and continues to explore his own personal growth to enable his clients to benefit from what he is learning about the experience of personal growth.

He has worked at several universities in Connecticut as a teacher, facilitator and consultant. He also has written several chapters for books on education and articles on counseling. A significant part of his work was as a school district coordinator at the School Development Program, Yale Child Study Center, School of Medicine, Yale University for over fourteen years. While there he was also director of adult development and teacher development. While doing his consultant work, Pat also maintained a private practice and continues today seeing people from across the world as a person-centered facilitator and counselor.

He is currently the co-director of the Center for the Studies of the Person in La Jolla, California.